Teaching Resources
We've created a central repository of some of our most popular teaching resources from the various African studies centers across the country. Use the dropdown menu to filter resources by the lowest appropriate grade level. Click the "Reset" button to go back to all resources. Check back frequently for new resources.
Boston University
Interrogating International Development: A Lesson
How do you teach about the post-world-war-II era and the era of decolonization and independence in Africa? This lesson helps educators historicize the “story of development” to better understand how these relations between countries came to exist historically, and these labels “developed,” “developing” (among many others) came to be created.
Indiana University
Global Literacy Invitation Project
Global Literacy Invitation Project introduces 3rd- 6th grade teachers to quality children’s literature that supports global learning and connections. Teacher participants are introduced to the Global Literacy Invitation teaching strategy and examine ways in which their students can participate in an open-ended investigation that extends the theme of the book into other areas and subjects, including technology, science, math, music, and art.